Letra de Imagine de Blues Traveler
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( Blues Traveler )
Imagine there's no heaven - it's easy if you try
no hell below us, above us, only sky
imagine all the people, living for today
Imagine there's no country - i wonder if you do?
nothing to kill or die for; no religion, too
imagine all the people, living life in peace, you-hoo
You may say i'm a dreamer
but i'm not the only one
i hope that you will join us
and the world would live as one
Imagine no possessions - i wonder if you can?
nothing to keep only from greed or hunger - a brotherhood of man
imagine all the people, sharing all the world, you-hoo
You may say that i'm a dreamer
but i'm not the only one
i hope that you will join us
and the world would live as one
no hell below us, above us, only sky
imagine all the people, living for today
Imagine there's no country - i wonder if you do?
nothing to kill or die for; no religion, too
imagine all the people, living life in peace, you-hoo
You may say i'm a dreamer
but i'm not the only one
i hope that you will join us
and the world would live as one
Imagine no possessions - i wonder if you can?
nothing to keep only from greed or hunger - a brotherhood of man
imagine all the people, sharing all the world, you-hoo
You may say that i'm a dreamer
but i'm not the only one
i hope that you will join us
and the world would live as one
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