Letra de Lilith - demonic queen of the black light de Lord Belial
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( Lord Belial )
In the deepest forests
In the shades of grey
Beyond fear
Lilith- Queen of the black light awaits
She is one of the tyrants
She is one of the darkness
With a blaze of thorns
She will demand your soul
Behind the dark side of the mirror
In another dimension, when the black sun is awakening
Lilith- Queen of the black light awaits
When the night has come
She sings to me
Her echoes of silence from the cold mist
Surrounds me like a sea of fire
She mesmerizes me with her screams of silence
Lilith- Queen of the black light awaits
In the shades of grey
Beyond fear
Lilith- Queen of the black light awaits
She is one of the tyrants
She is one of the darkness
With a blaze of thorns
She will demand your soul
Behind the dark side of the mirror
In another dimension, when the black sun is awakening
Lilith- Queen of the black light awaits
When the night has come
She sings to me
Her echoes of silence from the cold mist
Surrounds me like a sea of fire
She mesmerizes me with her screams of silence
Lilith- Queen of the black light awaits
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