Letra de Ghosting de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
I am impatient and hard to please
no sense of serenity
habitual neurosis transcends into thoughts of suicide
and when this body lays lifeless, don´t patronize me by
insisting this was all done because of you
I am beyond redemption, even in death I will not speak
I am beyond redemption, even in death I will not sleep
with abandonment of trust and self
hope is void of longevity
a shelterless recluse, I survive without reason
I sacrifice myself to the lonely other
for she will not rest until death´s arms embrace me
no sense of serenity
habitual neurosis transcends into thoughts of suicide
and when this body lays lifeless, don´t patronize me by
insisting this was all done because of you
I am beyond redemption, even in death I will not speak
I am beyond redemption, even in death I will not sleep
with abandonment of trust and self
hope is void of longevity
a shelterless recluse, I survive without reason
I sacrifice myself to the lonely other
for she will not rest until death´s arms embrace me
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