Letra de I give in de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
I continue to succumb to mundane hospitality
fabricating pertinent dinner conversation
fascinating breath pressing drawls
asking myself why
unbelievable Isn´t it; the way we twist words
around just to get that quick fix
I swore someday I´d save myself from
cum dreamt lines forcing faster
and I´ll tease you, tickle your goddamn nod job
focus on the lines forming faster
aching in the waste of primitive lust
again I ask myself why
at last, can i please rest?
vacate every day after day
fabricating pertinent dinner conversation
fascinating breath pressing drawls
asking myself why
unbelievable Isn´t it; the way we twist words
around just to get that quick fix
I swore someday I´d save myself from
cum dreamt lines forcing faster
and I´ll tease you, tickle your goddamn nod job
focus on the lines forming faster
aching in the waste of primitive lust
again I ask myself why
at last, can i please rest?
vacate every day after day
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