Letra de Grotesque de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
These words collapse your confidence
your destructive existence is nauseating
fake, with no self-esteem; you´re nothing
you change with manic uncertainty
now I will be the master
now I will choose my boatswain
I push myself in and out of relationships
but I don´t know you
I push myself in and out of control
but I don´t own you
exactly how should I stand here,
waiting for you to finally answer
as you verbally bash me
your destructive existence is nauseating
fake, with no self-esteem; you´re nothing
you change with manic uncertainty
now I will be the master
now I will choose my boatswain
I push myself in and out of relationships
but I don´t know you
I push myself in and out of control
but I don´t own you
exactly how should I stand here,
waiting for you to finally answer
as you verbally bash me
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