Letra de Detest de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
I have to choose what I detest
Either dreaming, which my mind hates
Or action, which my awareness loathes
I am confused
I sit alone in silence
To focus more on the way that I am living
I am losing you
And this place isn´t comfortable
I retaliate by not speaking
So I guess I will lose
Detesting both, I choose neither
But since I must on occasion
Either dream or act
I mix the two things together
Either dreaming, which my mind hates
Or action, which my awareness loathes
I am confused
I sit alone in silence
To focus more on the way that I am living
I am losing you
And this place isn´t comfortable
I retaliate by not speaking
So I guess I will lose
Detesting both, I choose neither
But since I must on occasion
Either dream or act
I mix the two things together
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