Letra de Ill will de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
You are worthless and especially ignorant to human life
Words - gestures
Everything I feel towards your existence
Coexists with the hatred I have for mankind
Common consideration cannot coincide with you and me
You talk to offend
And you laugh to belittle
It seems like
You have grown into
Such a beautiful asshole
Life, a headache
That is keeping me from
Belonging to society
What does it matter
You came at me, not to me
It´s my choice
It´s my decision to crave this feeling now
It has been beaten down on me for years
Reality is not pretty at all
A glimmer of sunshine can still exist
Even when your grey clouds are moving in
Is a part of my life
It is the honest
And nasty way
Of being let down
Words - gestures
Everything I feel towards your existence
Coexists with the hatred I have for mankind
Common consideration cannot coincide with you and me
You talk to offend
And you laugh to belittle
It seems like
You have grown into
Such a beautiful asshole
Life, a headache
That is keeping me from
Belonging to society
What does it matter
You came at me, not to me
It´s my choice
It´s my decision to crave this feeling now
It has been beaten down on me for years
Reality is not pretty at all
A glimmer of sunshine can still exist
Even when your grey clouds are moving in
Is a part of my life
It is the honest
And nasty way
Of being let down
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