Letra de All teeth de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
I think it would be amusing to sit here and write up a list
Just a list that describes the way I want to destroy myself
Not a simple suicide but a drawn out process of pain
This was all created in my head and can´t I stop thinking it
I am taunted by the ignorance between us
I am taunted by the wraith I feel with in us
Solitude devastates me
Company oppresses me
People derail my thoughts
I feel sick again
So imagine what you would find on this list that I have created
A few hundred ways of self-mutilating pain caused by injustice
Just a list that describes the way I want to destroy myself
Not a simple suicide but a drawn out process of pain
This was all created in my head and can´t I stop thinking it
I am taunted by the ignorance between us
I am taunted by the wraith I feel with in us
Solitude devastates me
Company oppresses me
People derail my thoughts
I feel sick again
So imagine what you would find on this list that I have created
A few hundred ways of self-mutilating pain caused by injustice
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