Letra de Needleman de A Life Once Lost
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( A Life Once Lost )
What happens here stays here, right?
this is nothing but a miserable lesson learned
what we share together will not
end up falling out of someone else´s lips
I must fight with shadows in my own defense and worst of all,
their names I do not know
tell me do I disgust you?
I fit their image so perfectly and it is making them sick
is this disgust?
is it disgust or amusement?
that catches your attention; that draws you near
is it disgust or amusement?
disgust or amusement, which is it?
this is nothing but a miserable lesson learned
what we share together will not
end up falling out of someone else´s lips
I must fight with shadows in my own defense and worst of all,
their names I do not know
tell me do I disgust you?
I fit their image so perfectly and it is making them sick
is this disgust?
is it disgust or amusement?
that catches your attention; that draws you near
is it disgust or amusement?
disgust or amusement, which is it?
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